
Through God’s grace we aim to make know the love of Christ through the Holy Spirit by word and deed. 

Come Join the Flock

Sunday Morning Worship: 10 am-Holy Communion, 1st and 3rd Sundays.                           9 am Worship:  Memorial Weekend through Labor Day Weekend.

Catechism-Wednesday’s at 6 pm. (September-April) Catechism starts September 11 at 6:00 pm

Sunday School- Sundays 9 am- 10 am. (Ends weekend before Memorial Weekend)  Sunday School Starts September 29 at 9 am.

September 22, 2024–Church Outdoor Service & Picnic 10:00 am This is also Drive your Tractor/Old Car to Church Day! Our 10th Annual Craft Sale at Emmaus. Friday, Nov. 1, 9am-5pm. Saturday Nov. 2, 8am-4pm. Vendors are welcome.

Connect with Us:                                                                                                                 Email: Emmauslutherantol@gmail.com  or                                                                 Facebook: Emmaus Lutheran Church-LCMS-Waupaca


God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble… Psalm 46:1